Friday, March 26, 2010

Things that don't work on Xbox

Although it is possible to write F# code that runs on the Xbox 360 using XNA Game Studio, not everything works.

There are API problems, probably due to the fact that the F# core assembly I am using is built for the compact framework. Although the .NET framework on the Xbox 360 is based on the compact framework, there are obviously significant differences.
I hope I will be able to take a look at this when Microsoft releases the source code of the F# code library in an easily compilable form (the F# team has said that they intended to release the F# compiler and libraries under an Open Source license when it reaches a stable state).

For instance a call to sprintf (for debugging purposes) resulted in an exception, due to a missing method, it seems.

Similarly, attempts to use async workflows also fail. This is really a shame, as it means you are on your own when it comes to concurrent applications. For instance, the map_parallel function I used in tutorial 7 raises an exception.

In addition to binary compatibility issues specific to F#, there are also generic practical issues.

After implementing my own version of Async.Parallel, I realized it probably would not be much help, as the overhead of multi-threading is a bit too much for the time intervals of computations which must run in a 60th of a second (16.7 ms). Using parallel_map resulted in a factor two performance drop, in my case. For those interested, here is the code I was using (no guarantee of correctness of any kind!):

let map_parallel (func : 'T0 -> 'T1) (data : 'T0[]) : 'T1[] =
let results = Array.zeroCreate data.Length
let num_threads = 4
let ranges = Array.init num_threads (fun i -> i * data.Length / num_threads, (i + 1) * data.Length / num_threads - 1)

let count = ref num_threads
let notify = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false)

for (start, stop) in ranges do
System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (
fun _ ->
for i in start..stop do
results.[i] <- func data.[i]
let n = System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement count
if n = 0 then
notify.Set() |> ignore
|> ignore

notify.WaitOne() |> ignore

What works well is to dispatch rendering and updating on two threads. The rendering thread must remain on the "main" thread, the updating thread can run on a separate thread.

Is F# worth the trouble on Xbox? I would say it is. Compared to C#, the language has good support for manipulating arrays, an "inline" keyword that comes very handy when writing generic code that must run fast. This makes it a good language for computation-heavy applications (of which simulation-oriented games are).

Another area where the language should shine is in high-level UI code. I have thoughts about using custom workflows to conveniently map operations spanning over multiple frames on the game update loop.