Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Problems with portable libraries and object-oriented APIs

I've got along well with inheritance for a long time, but this was not peace. Inheritance was preparing, in the dark, cowardly, waiting to byte me. And it just did that!

In my last post, I presented a method to detach libraries from external assemblies and let applications take responsibility for the "linking".

The key was to use interfaces to shadow the API of the external assemblies. Sadly, it falls apart when the API being shadowed, say XNA, relies on inheritance to connect to the user's code.

Take GameComponent, for example. Users are expected to define a type that inherits from GameComponent, overriding a number of methods (Initialize, Update and Draw, typically).

It would be nice if one could declare that XNA provides a type GameComponent with abstract methods (the syntax is made up, that's not valid ML or F#):
signature Xna =
  type GameTime
  type GameComponent with
    abstract new : unit -> unit
    abstract Initialize : unit -> unit
    abstract Update : GameTime -> unit
    abstract Draw : GameTime -> unit

Using the method described in the previous post, this would become in F#:
type XnaImplementation<'GameTime, 'GameComponent>() =

Then F# code could maybe do something like that:
type MyGameComponent<'GameTime, 'GameComponent>(xnaOps : XnaImplementation<'GameTime, 'GameComponent>) =
  inherit 'GameComponent()

That is however not valid F# code, as inheriting from generic types is not allowed.
I have a solution for that in my code, but I'm not very happy. It involves a new interface IGameComponent that the API provider has to wrap inside XNA's GameComponent.
Throw into the lot that XNA's GameComponent provides some functionality (properties Visible and Enabled) that MyGameComponent needs to be able to access, and you need to throw another wrapper into the picture. Not pretty at all.

I've been considering whether I should take a different approach and create a so-called reference assembly for XNA. In theory, it shouldn't be hard. Extract the type definitions and methods that are needed from the actual libraries, put them into a reference assembly, and be done with it. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a tool to do that available to the public. Microsoft should seriously consider including such a tool with VS11, it would allow users to add the little bits that were not portable enough for the portable .NET core, but that are nevertheless available on the platforms that users are targeting.

There are days when I really miss SDL. A simple library that lets itself be called, but doesn't call you. Lesson of the day: object-oriented APIs without proper tooling are painful.